Rules of Pidro
Here is a general description of the card game Pidro.
In general Pidro could be classified as a game of tricks including a round of bidding. The main difference to other trick taking games is that the tricks themselves do not matter but the point cards taken in the tricks matter. Pidro is a four person game played in teams similar to Bridge.
Each suit has 14 points: the A, J 10, and 2 worth one point each and 5, 5, worth 5 points each. Yes you saw right, two fives. Each suit includes the other same color 5 so a suit has 14 cards.
Each player is dealt 9 cards. Then there is one round of bidding (min 6, max 14) where each player bids the minimum points the team shall take. The highest bidder selects the suit and that will be the only suit to be played in the trick taking phase. Achieve at least the minimum points and get all the points taken, fail the minimum and score negatively equal to the bid. Rinse and repeat until one team collects at least 62 points.
More detailed rules can be found here>>